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Elena Karneeva 儿童与动物摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 192

发布:2018-08-23 06:08:24 更新:2024-09-29 17:34:10

Elena Karneeva 儿童与动物摄影作品集,来自俄罗斯的摄影师Elena Karneeva创作了一组儿童与动物之间友谊的情景摄影作品,每一组作品都展示了孩子们与不同动物之间的友谊,再搭配入镜的环境,组成了一幅幅温馨的画面。

Children's relationships with animals and with each other are free of many of the misconceptions and unfounded fears that can infect our minds later in life. It is this innocence that Elena Karneeva, a professional child and family photographer based in Moscow, captures in her beautiful photos of children and animals.

The children in each image seem to great the animals posing together with them as friends, rather than as dumb beasts or as food. The dogs, pigs, goats and other critters inspire beautiful rural images that remind us of another Russian photographer as well – Elena Shumilova.
