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Erik Johansson 扭曲的幻觉PS摄影集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 236

发布:2020-10-23 15:45:12 更新:2024-09-29 13:19:32

Erik Johansson 扭曲的幻觉PS摄影集,来自丹麦的摄影师艺术家约翰森擅长于拍摄现实图片并使用Photoshop软件来添加复合型的润色,下面这组作品就是其中的代表作,扭曲的画面反正真实的生活场景。

We’ve all seen plenty of optical illusions before, but Erik Johansson’s masterfully twisted works of art still retain their power. Perhaps it’s because they’re composite photos, making them some of the most realistic and unsettling illusions we’ve ever seen.

Johansson (whom we’ve written about before here) works as a photographer and as a retoucher. What’s wonderful about his work is that even his officially commissioned pieces are works of art. The photos below involving cars were commissioned by the Transportation Accident Commission in Australia to illustrate the disorientation that can occur when driving under the influence of drugs.

Although one photo can consist of hundreds of different images, Johansson writes on his site, he always wants them tolook like it could have been captured.
