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Andrew Fladeboe 世界工作犬摄影图集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 196

发布:2013-12-28 08:37:33 更新:2024-09-29 13:19:58

Andrew Fladeboe 世界工作犬摄影图集,我们都喜欢养狗,这些都是宠物狗,殊不知世界上还存在着一种工作狗,摄影师 Andrew Fladeboe用手里的摄影机为我们带来了世界上的各种工作犬的图片,人可以热爱自己的工作,同样的狗狗们也会热爱自己的工作。


The working dogs of the world tend not to get as much time in the spotlight as their house-pet brothers and sisters. Photographer Andrew Fladeboe, however, is working to remedy this injustice by treating these dogs with the respect and artistry they deserve.


Though his photo series is called The Shepherd’s Realm, the dogs aren’t limited to shepherds or cowherds – search and rescue dogs, mobility dogs, guide dogs, companionship dogs and K-9 police dogs also receive recognition. Their fur may be wet or dirty, but their intelligent expressions and stoic nature show that, as companions and workers, they are an indispensable aid for their owners. His project has taken him primarily to New Zealand, Scotland and Norway.


In an interview with National Geographic, Fladeboe explained that most people don’t realize how much these dogs love to work; Yes, often they live hard and short lives, but for a dog like a border collie, they are happiest when they have a job to do. I feel much worse for a border collie that lives in a big city than one that is worked to the bone on a farm.


Read on for Fladeboe’s answers to Bored Panda’s questions about his work. He will be having a solo photo show in NYC this October through Peter Hay Halpert Fine Art, so make sure to pay him a visit if you can! He also has prints for sale through this gallery.






