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Vincent Bourilhon 异想天开的意境摄影集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 195

发布:2019-01-10 21:15:47 更新:2024-09-29 15:32:29

Vincent Bourilhon 异想天开的意境摄影集,来源诺曼底的摄影师文森特凭借四年的摄影经验创作了一组超现实的创意作品,读者会发现作品中每一幅图片都有一种超多现实的感觉,幻想、发明、创作、自然融合为一体,每个看的感觉都不会一样。

With just four years of experience, Normandy-based student photographer Vincent Bourilhon creates surreal worlds that are incredibly enchanting. Viewers will find themselves swiftly escaping into many of his inventive stories where top hats rapidly multiply and hot air balloons emerge from the steam of a coffee cup.

Bourilhon juxtaposes real-life environments with detailed post-processing to produce these crazy realities. The artist's vivid imagination results in these whimsical ideas that come to life in each photograph. He says, "I love fantasizing, I love inventing and creating.

I think the real world is flat, not original and very negative. If art does not lead us to a different world in which we all live, it does not meet its mission. I am passionate about the dream and magic that surround our thoughts. If we can express ourselves, we should do that."
