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Dimitry Roulland 唯美舞蹈摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 191

发布:2017-09-20 06:41:17 更新:2024-09-29 19:21:53

Dimitry Roulland 唯美舞蹈摄影作品集,迪米特里是法国的一位年轻的摄影艺术家,他拍摄了一组有关于舞蹈的摄影作品,记录了舞蹈艺术家们的精彩瞬间,摄影作品中展示了舞蹈艺术家们的情感和舞蹈美感。

Dimitry Roulland is a young artist based in Marquay, France who is fascinated with photography. Here is the collection of his photographs of dancing moments. All the emotions, beauty and happiness are captured in the pictures.
