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Vincent Laforet 纽约都市之夜航拍摄影集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 185

发布:2014-10-28 15:04:13 更新:2024-09-29 21:22:52

Vincent Laforet 纽约都市之夜航拍摄影集,Vincent Laforet是美国的一位摄影师,也是普利策获奖摄影师,他发布了一组航拍摄影作品,以一种前所未有的方式抓拍他的家乡纽约,这是他梦想了几十年想要捕捉的画面。夜间乘坐直升机从城市上空7500英尺以上俯拍的这组世界街头 7.5K系列揭示了来自纽约市电网的强劲的脉动能量辐射。

The series Gotham 7.5K, photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet captured absolutely stunning high-altitude photos of New York City at night by way of a nighttime helicopter ride. The wind was blowing pretty hard that night, so Laforet and his camera had to be strapped in with a body harness in order to lean out of the side of the chopper to get the perspective he needed to make his vision come true.
