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Sacha Goldberger 16世纪超级英雄摄影集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 192

发布:2017-11-21 16:09:51 更新:2024-09-29 17:24:59

Sacha Goldberger 16世纪超级英雄摄影集,我们都比较熟悉科幻大片里的超级英雄了,例如超人、绿巨人、钢铁侠、黑暗骑士等等,如果让他们穿上16世纪的服饰会是什么样子?摄影师萨沙·戈德伯格可以告诉你。


What would it look like if Superman was born in the 16th century? What if the Hulk was a Duke? These are the questions photographer Sacha Goldberger asked himself when he created this playful new series Super Flemish. Some of our favorite pop culture characters like Darth Vader and Snow White got the Flemish treatment as photos of them resembled 16th century paintings.

The whole project took Goldberger two years to complete with a year-and-a-half going towards preparation and the rest for retouching and creating prints. Twelve people were involved with the make-up, hair and special effects. Five costume designers made outfits specifically for this occasion. "Lots of the job was done before and during the shoot," says Goldberer. "Pierrick and Sebastian, my digital retouchers, helped me to get the precision and the perfection I was looking for in this series."

Just how much fun did he have creating these images? "All of it was incredible, it was like a dream come true," he said. "When you see the Hulk in front of you and you ask him to look romantic, it's crazy. The Joker was also very impressive. He endured three hours of make-up and started to act like Heath Ledger in the movie, The Dark Knight."
