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Danielle Guenther 满满的都是爱家庭摄影

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 163

发布:2018-10-21 16:52:25 更新:2024-09-29 17:26:01

Danielle Guenther 满满的都是爱家庭摄影,Danielle Guenther是一位生活在美国俄亥俄州的摄影师,喜欢拍摄都市生活摄影作品,并且是自学成才,喜欢通过孩子的视角看世界,下面是她所拍摄的摄影作品,每一幅作品都体现出拥有孩子的家庭的幸福感。

Traditional family photos are shiny, peaceful and nice to look at, but they rarely depict reality. After another photoshoot of a family with little kids turned into total chaos, photographer Danielle Guenther decided she should try to depict what parents are really going through.

After posting a few of these images on her website and Facebook, she quickly started getting requests from parents, asking to photoshoot their own chaos. Parenthood is messy, but wow, the unflattering side can still be so beautiful, – says Danielle, who is also a mom of a 5-year-old herself. She urges to capture the moment, because in the end, all we have are the memories…
