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Caras Ionut 激情无处不在摄影集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 195

发布:2015-02-20 19:50:31 更新:2024-09-29 23:24:31

Caras Ionut 激情无处不在的摄影作品集,来自罗马尼亚的卡拉什约努茨是一位拥有激情之心的摄影师,他展示了自己这10年来拍摄的作品,每一幅作品都捕捉了一副绝佳的时刻,并且把所有的图片都使用了大量的Photoshop特效,给你用户绝佳的视觉体验。

My name is Caras Ionut and I’m a family man from Romania – I’m 36 years old, married and I have a little angel, named Ioana who’s almost 3,5 years old. I love my life, my family and I also love traveling. I try to make funny things wherever I go, for example, I dance, sometimes scream on the street – I don’t have any problems expressing myself in public space.I discovered my passion for photography and digital art around 10 years ago.

Photography allows you to see what other people can’t, to capture unique moments and save special emotions for life. I get inspirations from many different sources: the internet, movies, animation and anything that’s crazy or fantastic.I use a lot of Photoshop in my work. I love taking pictures and then editing them to create other concepts – unreal, beautiful, magical…
