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Vivienne Gucwa 记录纽约城市的变迁摄影集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 181

发布:2021-07-20 01:53:42 更新:2024-09-29 11:30:37

Vivienne Gucwa 记录纽约城市的变迁摄影集,生活在纽约的摄影师Vivienne Gucwa在自己的博客上发布了一组有关于纽约市的摄影图片,她从十七岁开始拍摄知道现在,通过她的镜头你可以浏览到纽约市不一样的风景。

NY Through the Lens is a visual documentation of NYC-based photographer Vivienne Gucwa's explorations throughout the city. From the young age of 17, Gucwa has been living on her own and working many jobs to stay afloat. As a way to manage personal stress, she would go for long walks for "as far as [her] feet would take [her]" and she found herself in awe of the many things that she came across.

In an effort to capture these beautiful experiences, Gucwa bought a cheap point-and-shoot camera and began documenting everything through her lens. In the stunning collection, Gucwa captures a beautifully glowing light that is cast across the urban environments. Eventually, she began posting her images on her blog. They were instantly a hit, and now, the series is available for pre-order as a 192-page coffee table book.

"I am endlessly haunted by a sense of saudade and sehnsucht: a deep longing for a place that is unidentifiable but somehow familiar and indicative of what could be identified as home," she explains. "I am on a never-ending quest to attempt to imbue my photography of cities and landscapes with this complex notion of nostalgic longing."
