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Darya Kondratyeva 童话故事摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 183

发布:2014-10-26 10:02:20 更新:2024-09-29 21:34:02

Darya Kondratyeva 童话故事摄影作品集,来自莫斯科的摄影师Darya Kondratyeva拍摄了一组根据童话故事而设定的摄影题材,例如小红帽、格莱特等等,重新通过摄影的角度来诠释美女与野兽之间的故事。

Moscow-based photographer Darya Kondratyeva reinterprets spellbinding tales of enchantment in her beautiful portraits of young women and their animal companions. Inspired by the stories of figures like Little Red Riding Hood, Gretel, and Brave’s Merida, the photographer transports the viewer to distant, mythical realms through her stunning shots.

Kondratyeva’s inclusion of animal subjects in her portraits add to the folkloric magic of the images. Trained animals such as bears, foxes, and owls interact playfully with the models, creating a fairytale world in which animals and humans speak, frolic, and live together in harmony.

If you’re a fan of Kondratyeva’s work, be sure to check out Katerina Plotnikova, another Russian photographer who captures captivating portraits with animals.
