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Austin Tott 小小纹身意境摄影集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 216

发布:2019-10-22 20:01:06 更新:2024-09-29 15:31:08

Austin Tott 小小纹身意境摄影集,摄影师Austin Tott拍摄了一组具有唯美意境的摄影作品,采用手腕上的小纹身搭配各式各样的背景图片,为我们展示了青春、梦幻、意境版的效果。

Tott 采用的展示方式就是每一幅作品加入一张带有不同意境的背景图片,手腕上的微笑纹身就是整幅图片的魅力所在,这种视觉张力是的这些摄影作品非常具有联想空间。

Photographer Austin Tott pairs the small with the grandiose in his series Tiny Tattoos. The delightful images feature hand-drawn body art that’s positioned against a background from which they visually reference. In one photograph, we see a wrist that is marked with quotes in front of several stacks of books. Another dangles an abundance of vintage keys on strings with a hand reaching towards the one that’ll unlock the drawing on its arm. And in a beautiful play on scale, an inch-high tree has a backdrop of an entire forest.

Tott finds a way for every image to engage us by adding an illustrated touch. But the conceptual relationship in Tiny Tattoos is just part of the series’ charm. The photographer creates harmonious compositions when he combines the minuscule with massive, and something like an individualized bike is more engaging when its compared with a sprawling cityscape. This visual tension makes for images that are fun to view.

We've been enchanted by Tott's clever photography before. His previously-featured quirky portraits have the same soft, dream-like qualities that we find in Tiny Tattoos.
