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Callum Snape 加拿大偏远地区摄影集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 197

发布:2017-09-09 02:01:17 更新:2024-09-29 19:14:43

Callum Snape 加拿大偏远地区摄影集,卡勒姆是一位自由摄影师和背包客,他每年都会花费不少的时间去旅行,尤其是进入杳无人烟的地方花费的时间更长,不过收获就是下面这些摄影作品了。

For most travellers, reaching the world’s most extreme locations can be a formidable challenge.

But for 23year-old Callum Snape, the hard work is just beginning as he arrives at his isolated destinations. The Canadian photographer sets about capturing the spectacular scenery in the country’s most remote areas.

He captured the breathtaking stills using the area’s rugged terrain as a backdrop. Callum, who works as a freelance photographer and travel blogger, said that some of the locations he visits can take hours, or often days to reach.

Temperature’s in Alberta can drop to as low as -10C during winter. Each year he spends around six weeks backpacking, working on his spectacular series, which he snaps across Canada.
