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Donna Dotan 纽约上帝模式夜景摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 193

发布:2018-10-08 14:07:47 更新:2024-09-29 17:33:33

Donna Dotan 纽约上帝模式夜景摄影作品集,Donna Dotan美国的一位摄影师,他拍摄了一组站在纽约市摩天大楼上拍摄纽约都市夜景的摄影作品,站在城市里面看惯了平面视角的情景,不妨来看看俯视角度里的都市夜景,绝对让你的心情为之舒畅。

Reflections From Above is a complex photo series in which thousands upon thousands of New York City windows and lights merge together into unique abstract formations. To capture the fascinating and symmetrical perspectives, photographer Donna Dotan focuses her camera down towards the ground from the tops of large skyscraper buildings and uses long exposures to capture the action below.

The final compositions are filled with the life and energy from the city below. Though it's difficult to distinguish between the confusion of reality and reflections. viewers will certainly find themselves inspecting all of the tiny details of the dark or illuminated windows, rooftops, taxi cabs, and pedestrians that fill the space below. Each pieces captures the shapes, patterns, and layers of a city that cannot be fully appreciated from the ground.

Dotan spends her time professionally photographing the interiors and exteriors of New York City. According to her bio, "[Her] passion for the built environment budded in childhood, where she spent her summers with family in Israel. The architecture spoke to her in an intimate way."
