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Max Rive 极限攀登中的自然风景摄影

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 203

发布:2021-07-01 01:28:00 更新:2024-09-29 11:39:10

Max Rive 极限攀登中的自然风景摄影,当你站在世界是的最高的的时候,看到的风景往往是最美的,红日初升,俯视群山;世界是有这样一群摄影师,他们擅长于攀爬世界上最高的山峰,寻找大自然中最美丽的风景,你可以跟随他们的脚步看遍世界最高峰的自然风景。

Perched high up in the hills and mountaintops, Max Rive sees the world differently than most. The adventurous photographer hikes to locations that are not highly populated and observes the world from a bird's eye view. Through his lens, Rive takes viewers on adventures across stunning landscapes and mountaintops, where we are invited to experience the world from an entirely new and creative perspective.

To obtain the dynamic compositions, Rive hikes to high perches, withstands very cold temperatures, and greets the sun as it rises over large peaks and glistening rivers. He often stitches multiple panoramic shots together to obtain the wide ranges and to capture the overwhelmingly beautiful perspectives from high above the world.

Each photograph emanates with vivid colors and whispers of quiet solitude. Anyone afraid of panse of clouds, sky, and the earth far below.
