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Alex Timmermans 湿版火棉胶叙事摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 193

发布:2014-12-19 19:32:31 更新:2024-09-29 21:31:22

Alex Timmermans 湿版火棉胶叙事摄影作品集,Alex Timmermans是一位自学成才的摄影师,擅长于拍摄生活叙事类作品,在他的职业生涯中采用的是传统的摄影手法,湿版摄影法;通过这种摄影法拍摄于的人物肖像和艺术作品充满了诡异和超现实的元素。

湿版摄影法(Wet plate processing)就是拿玻璃当底片的摄影技术,这是一门来自18世纪的古老摄影技术,在干净的玻璃上涂布火棉胶为主材的溶剂,再浸入硝酸银,取出趁着湿的时候进行拍摄,然后显影,定影,根据喜好,把底片做成正片或者负片的摄影技术。

Self-taught photographer Alex Timmermans has been practicing photography his entire life. Over the course of his career, tons of digital equipment has become readily available. However, the artist finds that he prefers working in traditional photographic techniques—particularly the wet collodion process. Through this approach to photography, Timmermans produces portraits and fine art photographs filled with strange and surreal elements that suggest a variety of interesting narratives.

The Dutch photographer enjoys the very traditional and purposeful approach to photography. It can take a full hour to produce a single composition and there are many uncontrollable elements, including slight differences in chemicals or changing weather, that can result in unexpected surprises. "Seeing a picture changing in the fixer bath—from a negative to a positive—is a magic spectacle which makes it worthwhile to spend so much time and energy on it," explains Timmermans.
