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Jaydene Freund 父子第一次见面的瞬间摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 180

发布:2018-12-03 07:15:32 更新:2024-09-29 15:21:11

Jaydene Freund 父子第一次见面的瞬间摄影作品集,Jaydene Freund是一位摇篮创意摄影师,擅长于拍摄新生婴儿的摄影作品,这组作品是捕捉了在产房里父亲与孩子的第一次见面,目的是希望人们明白:生育不只是妈妈的唯一经历。

Since today is Father's Day, it's the perfect time to pay tribute to all the men out there who bravely became dads. Like we've seen in a similar series by Dave Young, these photos by birth photographer Jaydene Freund of Cradle Creations show the real expressions of fathers right before or right after their partner has given birth. Beautifully authentic, the photos capture the many different emotions pouring out in the birth room.

"I want people to understand that birth isn't just a journey for the mom," says Freund, "but a dad also goes through an important journey of his own. His journey consists of many emotions including fear, strength, support, boredom, and joy. Some men are strong, supportive rocks for their partner to lean on, others fearfully sit in the shadows terrified watching their partner in pain, but all end up moved beyond words when they hold their sons and daughters in their arms for the first time.

"Here is a tribute to the many men I have watched become fathers this year."
