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Melania Brescia 梅拉布雷西亚孤独时刻摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 213

发布:2015-09-11 14:33:42 更新:2024-09-29 21:18:10

Melania Brescia 梅拉布雷西亚孤独时刻摄影作品集,Melania Brescia是一位22岁的摄影师,擅长于捕捉精美的人物肖像照片,她的作品具有强烈的情感意境,展示女性脆弱、渴望、孤独的一面。

22-year-old photographer Melania Brescia has continued to capture beautifully intimate self-portraits since the last time we posted about her, nearly two years ago. Her stunning images are deeply expressive, radiating raw energy and uninhibited emotion. Looking at each self-portrait is like glimpsing a part of the photographer's soul, as Brescia exposes herself entirely to the camera. In turn, viewers cannot help but feel moved, themselves, as each intimate shot evokes recollections of moments of vulnerability, love, longing, or loneliness.

Brescia, who will be moving from Spain to the US at the end of the year to get married, places great value on post-processing, through which she's able to fully achieve her intended image. Although many of her self-portraits depict natural and quietly contemplative scenes, the young photographer isn't afraid to push her creative boundaries by producing more surreal photos of herself half-submerged in water or floating in the air like a phantom.
