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Kenji Croman 色彩缤纷的夏威夷海浪摄影

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 217

发布:2016-11-03 18:29:09 更新:2024-09-29 19:30:21

Kenji Croman 色彩缤纷的夏威夷海浪摄影,Kenji Croman 是一位夏威夷土生土长的摄影师,他喜欢冲浪和摄影,在寻求冲浪的活动中拍摄了很多色彩缤纷的海浪图片。

Kenji Croman拍摄的海浪图片都是在不同的天气变化中捕获的难以置信的景象,展示了绚丽的色彩和无尽的海洋。

Kenji Croman is a Hawaii resident, body surfer, and former competitive swimmer whose thrill-seeking personality allows him to photograph unpredictable yet awe-inspiring waves. Despite some drawbacks with his profession, including broken bones and close encounters with sharks, the photographer says that he couldn’t see himself doing anything else. Croman’s passion is evident through these incredible images that showcase the brilliant colors and sunlight glow of the endless ocean. Each monumental wave is as unique as a fingerprint, and he's able to capture them when they are at their peak.

Careful planning is required for Croman to have a successful shoot. The night before an outing, he analyzes the predicted ocean weather to see what the winds, waves, and tides will be like at certain times. This information helps him visualize what kind of image could be produced. Once in the water, he only has a few opportunities to capture the perfect shot, and at the same time manage to stay calm in the face of breaking waves. The high-risk activity rewards him for his fearlessness with once-in-a-lifetime ocean views every day.
