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Grace Chon 婴儿与搜救犬肖像摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 170

发布:2021-11-14 09:21:05 更新:2024-09-29 11:37:11

Grace Chon 婴儿与搜救犬肖像摄影作品集,Grace Chon 是东京的一位妈妈摄影师,她拍摄了一组儿子与法国斗牛犬的可爱摄影作品,通过把宝宝和斗牛犬的搭配统一的服饰来拍照,可爱的宝宝造型和宠物犬非常的上相。

Not such Tokyo-based mother Aya Sakai's photos of her son and their French Bulldog, have I seen such a cute pairing like this! Meet Zoey and Jasper. Lifestyle photographer Grace Chon recently turned the camera on her 10-month-old Chinese-Korean baby Jasper and their 7-year-old rescue dog Zoey, putting them side by side in the most adorable portraits you'll see today. What led her to start a series?

"I've always dressed up my dogs in silly costumes, so naturally when I had a baby I started collecting some hats for photos," Grace tells us. "One day, I put one on Zoey and I had the epiphany that baby hats look ridiculously adorable on dogs too! My sister had the brilliant idea of sitting them side by side in a photo.

The response was immediate and I just kept going with it. I love my dogs fiercely (I'm a crazy dog lady through and through!) and it was really important to me that my dogs have a great relationship with Jasper. Zoey has exceeded my expectations as a big sister and I'm so glad I've found a fun activity that involves both of them!"
