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Audrey Simper 梦幻少女摄影摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 209

发布:2021-07-12 09:25:50 更新:2024-09-29 11:38:34

Audrey Simper 梦幻少女摄影摄影作品集,Audrey Simper 是一位21岁的摄影师,他擅长于把人物肖像和超现实主义混合为一体,创作出鼓舞人心的摄影集合,反映少女时代的青春和梦想的内心世界。

Audrey Simper是美国芝加哥人,对于摄影是自学成才的,所有的创作灵感都是自己内心世界的真实写照,凭借其灵感、服装、化妆手法组合了摄影之路特色。

The creative photography of 21-year-old Audrey Simper is an inspiring collection of conceptual portraits that blend real with surreal. Based in Chicago, the self-taught artist brings her imagination alive in subtle and not-so-subtle digital manipulations. Whether there's a third hand reaching out from the shadows or goldfish floating out of a sleeping beauty's mouth, each composition features skillfully concocted realities.

For each concept, Simper begins with a moment of inspiration which she then develops across time. She researches ideas, outfits, make-up, and sets, and builds a vision across months to bring her idea to life through her photography. Simper has been creating her art since 2008 and she says, "I have found that the best way to live life is by following my heart in doing what makes me happy and creating has made me the most gratified."
