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Karim Nafatni 迪拜基金奢华的城市风光摄影

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 168

发布:2019-08-28 17:31:14 更新:2024-09-29 15:29:15

Karim Nafatni 迪拜基金奢华的城市风光摄影,迪拜就是一个集科技和财富的城市,摄影师Karim Nafatni 通过手中的相机拍摄下来了迪拜的夜晚风光,在1000英尺的高空拍摄完成的。

Photographer Karim Nafatni gives new energy to the glowing lights of bustling Dubai in his stunning series of cityscapes, simply called Rooftop Photography. As we have seen before, the Dubai-based photographer and major airline pilot is certainly not afraid of some as high as 1,000 feet above the ground— to capture the incredibly vivid, bustling world far below.

By escaping high above the busy city environment, Nafatni provides his viewers with a moment to reflect upon the complexity and inherent beauty of modern and innovative urban architecture. Most of the time I do let my emotions and feelings guide me and let the shot come to me rather then pushing for it to happen, says Nafatni.
