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Timothy Allen 2013年旅游摄影赛优胜者作品欣赏

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 217

发布:2017-10-06 14:43:25 更新:2024-09-29 19:14:58

2013年旅游摄影师大赛今日宣布了2013年度的获奖者,他们的作品来自于世界各地,让摄影爱好者打开眼界,本次大赛定位于人、野生动物和自然风景,一年一度的国际摄影大赛已经扩展到了100多个不同国家的业余和专业摄影师,每一个独特的摄影作品都有其独特的视角。Winners of the Travel Photographer of the Year 2013 Contest!

Timothy Allen 2013年旅游摄影赛优胜者作品欣赏

The Travel Photographer of the Year 2013 winners have just recently been announced, their images revealing eye-opening and intimate looks at people, wildlife, and landscapes from across the globe. The annual international photo competition has received submissions from both amateur and professional photographers hailing from nearly one hundred different countries, each with a unique perspective.

The world is more connected thanks in large part to these camera-clad enthusiasts and passionate photographers who travel across the globe, capturing some of the most stunning images to share with everyone else. Over the past year alone, these international photographers have traveled to the Andaman Sea where sea gypsies go spear fishing, to Botswana where lionesses hunt and feast on their prey, and to the French Alps just in time to capture a dramatic shot of the moon seemingly nestled in the icy mountaintops.
