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Ben and Olivia 怀念逝去的母亲摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 174

发布:2014-06-18 00:55:42 更新:2024-09-29 17:35:39

Ben and Olivia 怀念逝去的母亲摄影作品集,Ben and Olivia是一对父女,Olivia的妈妈在她一岁的时候就过失了,为了怀念已故的母亲,这对父女拍摄了一组回忆过去和现在生活的摄影作品。

Father and daughter Ben and Olivia lost Olivia's mother, Ali, when Olivia was just one-year-old to a rare form of lung cancer. This November, after two years of being on a "rollercoaster of emotions" Ben decided to move out of their Cincinnati home that they had lived in with Olivia's late mother. Before they left, to serve as lasting memories of their past lives there, Ben decided to ask his sister-in-law and professional photographer Melanie Pace to take photos of him and his now 3-year-old daughter in the same home.

Four years earlier, in 2009, Ben and Ali had closed on the house the day before their wedding, so they had taken their wedding photos in the empty house. Now, Ben would say one last goodbye to the house, which was once again empty, with his daughter Olivia as they recreated the original wedding photos taken by the same family photographer, Melanie Pace.

Though Ben said that he did the shoot for himself and his daughter, the heartbreaking side-by-side photos are starting to make their way around the web as others have come to appreciate the authenticity and vulnerability in each shot. Many people have asked me how I felt while doing that photo session," Ben said. "What I want them to know is that this isn’t a story about grief and loss and hurt. Yes, I’ve gone through those emotions and still do but that’s not what I want people to see in these photos. This is a story about love.
