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Murad Osmann 摄影师的女朋友带你遨游世界

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 194

发布:2015-03-06 17:02:22 更新:2024-09-29 23:22:00

摄影师的女朋友继续带领他环游世界Murad Osmann 摄影师的女朋友带你遨游世界,Murad Osmann 是一位俄罗斯的摄影师,他拍摄了一组非常有爱的摄影作品,他的女朋友拉着他的手在世界各地的旅游圣地留下了同样的场景。

Russian photographer Murad Osmann continues to be led around the world by his girlfriend Nataly Zakharova in his ongoingFollow Me project. With her back facing the camera, Zakharova eagerly holds the hand of her photographer boyfriend, guiding him through various locales across the globe. The traveling duo manage to creatively display a variety of exotic and culturally rich landscapes and architecture through their clever set of images.

Since we first featured Osmann's captivating series, the project has gone to take on a life of its own. What started as a series of images on Instagram between the traveling photographer and his beloved partner has turned into a movement, inspiring others to follow suit. Osmann even partnered up with Google for a short video, which can be viewed at the bottom of this post, about how the project started and what it means to him.
