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Alex Stoddard 梦幻超现实摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 202

发布:2021-11-20 12:04:28 更新:2024-09-29 11:34:52

Alex Stoddard 梦幻超现实摄影作品集,Alex Stoddard是美国加利福尼亚州的一位年轻的摄影师,擅长于创作人物、自然、异想天开的超现实主义作品。

Alex Stoddard was born in Jacksonville, Florida and spent his childhood growing up in the deep south. He began taking self-portraits at the age of sixteen in the woods behind his Georgian home, and this stirred in him the need to create and express himself through the craft of photography.

His work focuses on the human form and the process of infusing it with natural surroundings. He also strives to create whimsical and surreal portraits.Alex is currently based in Los Angeles, California.
