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Julien Coquentin 清晨优美而宁静的时刻摄影

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 196

发布:2019-12-03 04:51:46 更新:2024-09-29 15:29:51

Julien Coquentin 清晨优美而宁静的时刻摄影,是由摄影师Julien Coquentin的一组作品,拍摄的是城市中的凌晨,每当太阳升起的时候,柔美的光线搭配平和的城市街道,体现出城市中沉思般的宁静。Beautifully Serene Moments During an Early Sunday Morning.

In the early hours of a day, when the sun is up but most people are not yet awake, the light is soft and the city streets are peaceful. Photographer Julien Coquentin found himself drawn to these moments and captured them in his series, aptly namedEarly Sunday Morning.

Not everyone loves dawn, though, and anyone who has ever fought with the alarm clock in the wee hours of a winter morning may snuggle deeper under their warm covers after viewing the series, where snow softly falls to the ground along beautifully isolated alleys and streets.

Also known for his playful approach to photography, Coquentin reveals his more serious side in these meditative, serene scenes. A hazy fog fills the sky as the city begins to awaken, and the soon bustling streets are scattered with a handful of cars and the occasional pedestrian brave enough to venture out into the cold. Early bird or not, viewers will certainly appreciate the contemplative quiet that the artist captures in each still image.
