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Ron Schmidt 俏皮宠物狗摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 171

发布:2014-05-16 13:40:36 更新:2024-09-29 17:25:07

Ron Schmidt 俏皮宠物狗摄影作品集,Ron Schmidt是一位喜欢狗狗的摄影师,他的作品都是围绕狗狗来创作的,各种摄影作品收到宠物爱好者的青睐。

Photographer Ron Schmidt just wrote to us to tell us about a new set of photos from his adorable series Loose Leashes. (See older posts, here and here.) Not only does Ron snap cute photos of dogs, he and his wife come up with the most clever names for each of them. (Make sure to look at the underside of the labels.) From a hungry Golden Retriever puppy happily eating his breakfast (Maple) to an older Labrador Retriever taking a sweet siesta (Zee), we'll guarantee that these are just about the cutest set of photos you'll see today.
