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Marc Henauer 水下摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 208

发布:2016-09-01 00:08:50 更新:2024-09-29 21:23:03

Marc Henauer 水下摄影作品集,Marc Henauer是一位潜水爱好者,他创作的这组作品是位于奥地利的一个公园,潜水员在水下公园里捕捉到的迷你景观。

Grüner See (Green Lake) is a lake in Styria, Austria known for its shimmering, emerald-green hue and its fluctuating depth throughout the year, at times leaving a park completely submerged in it. Being that the water for the lake is provided mainly by runoff from the surrounding karst mountains, it is at its fullest (about 10 meters deeper than usual) in the spring after the sun has melted the snow off nearby glacial summits, which is typically sometime in June.

The site has proven to be an attraction for divers, inviting them to plunge in and explore the spectacular underwater park, fully adorned with a bridge and a bench. There are even submerged trees in the crystal-clear waters that gives it a magical look. Photographer and diving enthusiast Marc Henauer was able to experience the underwater park firsthand and capture some enchanting images while down there.

