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Carli Davidson 水下宠物摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 194

发布:2020-02-12 07:39:48 更新:2024-09-29 13:18:59

Carli Davidson 水下宠物摄影作品集,Carli Davidson是一位资深的摄影师,他创作了一组非常有趣的水小狗狗入水抓拍作品,并且在纽约时报展示获得用户的青睐。

Like fellow photographer Carli Davidson, Seth Casteel is a pro at capturing hilarious photos of dogs in action. His funny photos, however, feature dogs not as they’re shaking off water but as they’re jumping into it. Casteel shares that moment when dogs dive to fetch a toy underwater, their eyes wide open, their mouths agape. His book, titledUnderwater Dogs, quickly became a New York Times best seller. It features dozens of never-before-seen photos starring new underwater models like a pug and 12 week-old puppies.
