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Anne-Frank 历史与现实艺术作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 200

发布:2018-04-24 10:08:49 更新:2024-09-29 17:37:03

Anne-Frank 历史与现实艺术作品集,通过二战时期遗留下来的历史照片,与现代的生活照片想融合,让你看到了跨越时代的历史景观。

It's always rewarding to receive feedback from our readers and featured artists, but every now and then we're just as delighted to be contacted by other creative individuals and institutions that have found inspiration through My Modern Met. We were just recently reached out to by Anne Frank House, the world renowned museum in Amsterdam dedicated to educating the public on the life of the brave young woman whose diary revealed a firsthand account of hiding in Nazi-occupied Netherlandsthat emotionally impacted and continues to touch many to this day.

A representative from the iconic museum finally had the opportunity to reach out to us and let us know that our posts about the work of Sergey Larenkov have inspired them to create their own versions of images that merge the past and present. Like Larenkov's photography, the images that serve as the past are derived from the World War II era, though their version focuses primarily on Amsterdam, where Frank spent most of her time hiding. Led by visual designer Michael Danckaarts of LBi Netherlands, the project is part of an app called Anne's Amsterdam that serves as a digital scrapbook telling the story of Anne Frank while exploring the city of Amsterdam.
