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Janne Parviainen 光线梦幻摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 160

发布:2015-04-11 02:19:19 更新:2024-09-29 23:36:51

Janne Parviainen 光线梦幻摄影作品集,当你按下相机快门的瞬间,会动手里的手电筒,你所拍摄的是留有光纤轨迹的照片,这组光线摄影作品,就是根据这个原来创作的,给人一种离奇的光线世界。

When you hold the camera shutter a little bit longer and wave a flashlight in that short period, you’ll get fantastic light visions. A photographer uses this tiny trick to present us these magnificent ‘light paintings’, they are all original images without any fix!
