Alex Greenshpun 意境摄影作品集,Alex Greenshpun是一位以色列艺术摄影师,在她的摄影作品中她不仅仅是找到了一种艺术形式,而是一种向世界表达内心世界的语言。这是一种像诗一样的可视化的语言,或是更微妙到让人无法形容的东西。我们收集的这组是有关于花卉的摄影作品!
Alex is an artist based in Rehovot, Israel.
In photography she finds not only an art-form, but a language that enables her to express the way the world is seen through her very heart.
It is a visual poetry of sorts, or something even more subtle, as Ryokan once wrote:
"Who says my poems are poems?
These poems are not poems.
When you can understand this,
then we can begin to speak of poetry."