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Adrien Broom 梦幻摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 221

发布:2017-03-08 01:07:36 更新:2024-09-29 19:29:52

Adrien Broom 梦幻摄影作品集,Adrien Broom是美国的一位自学成才的女摄影师,擅长于通过电影的手法来拍摄梦幻般的摄影作品。

Adrien Broom is a self-taught potographer with a penchant for the bizarre and beautiful. through a cinematographic approach to photography, broom creates illusions that play between reality,emphasising the imaginative impulse. her images are densely narrative,exploring universal themes of childhood,loss and the anxiety of modern life through these constructed scenes.
