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Holli True 时尚人物摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 210

发布:2015-07-30 15:29:54 更新:2024-09-29 23:38:17

Holli True 时尚人物摄影作品集,Holli True是一个女性摄影师,擅长于拍摄女孩系列作品,展示女孩的青春气息。

I've been told on more than one occasion that I talk like a California Surfer Girl. Stoked, Dude, Totally and Rad are words you will frequently hear from me, although I am a proud Oregon Girl who has never surfed a day in her life. I am a simple girl who loves the smell of fresh rain, playing Fantasy Football and Twilight... yeah, I'm smitten. American Eagle Favorite Boyfriend jeans, Indie Rock, and cupcakes, I am convinced, make the world a better place.

If quoting movies was an Olympic Sport- I would get the gold. Twice. I have watched Easy A, The Devil Wears Prada, Mean Girls, The Notebook, Sixteen Candles, 27 Dresses and Dirty Dancing more times than I can count. And the Twilight movies? Well, lets just say, there isn't a week that goes by that I don't see Bella, Edward & Jacob.

I am addicted to Reality TV, my iPhone, Mrs. Pac-Man and Lemonade Popsicles. I could eat Mexican food everyday and never complain, preferably Mucho Gusto & Chipotle. My heart belongs to Maui, where our family had the greatest vacation- one day, hopefully soon, we will be reunited with that glorious island in the sun.
