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Mark Mawson 涂料水下摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 192

发布:2019-02-28 08:46:07 更新:2024-09-29 15:34:51

Mark Mawson 涂料水下摄影作品集,Mark Mawson英国摄影师,他拍摄的这组水中的涂料颜色作品,超凡脱俗,给人以爆炸式的烟雾朦胧之感。

These otherworldly looking splashes of color and plumes of exploding smoke are the result of plunging ink into water and photographing it. The sunken mushroom clouds, jellyfish-like figures, and dripping electric liquid were created by British photographer Mark Mawson by mixing, dropping, and spinning colored liquids in water.
