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Irving Penn 时尚摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 213

发布:2017-02-15 19:14:20 更新:2024-09-29 19:24:08

Irving Penn(1917-2009),美国著名摄影师,1943年他为《VOGUE》的10月号拍摄了第一幅封面,在他整个职业生涯,为该杂志拍摄了众多肖像、静物和时尚摄影作品,其中包括至少150幅封面。1950年,他在纽约成立自己的摄影工作室,独立广告客户包括Issey Miyake及Clinique等。2009年10月7日,他于曼哈顿辞世,享年92岁。

To promote knowledge and understanding of the artistic legacy of Irving Penn, including the diversity of its mediums and subject matter.

In furtherance of this mission, the Foundation’s objectives include preserving in excellent condition those works by Irving Penn that are owned by the Foundation; placing representative selections of the work of Irving Penn in the permanent collections of major institutions around the world; serving as a resource for reliable and comprehensive information about the life and work of Irving Penn; fostering high standards of quality in those publications that are authorized to reproduce the work of Irving Penn; and encouraging individuals and institutions whose artistic and scholarly endeavors advance the mission of the Foundation and uphold the values of Irving Penn.
