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Eric Bouvet 纪实摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 194

发布:2021-01-12 01:08:34 更新:2024-09-29 13:29:55

Eric Bouvet 纪实摄影作品集,埃里克·布维(Eric Bouvet),法国摄影师,出生于1961年;主要作品有《Burning Man》、《Kumbh-Mela》、《peace》等。法国摄影师,出生于1961年,这组作品名为《Burning Man》(火人节),拍摄于2012年,这是一个分享艺术、爱和快乐的盛会,向一个没去过的人解释火人节,就像跟盲人描述色彩一样困难。

火人节(Burning Man,或燃烧人节庆)是每年一度在美国内华达黑岩沙漠(Black Rock Desert)举办的狂欢节,为期8天,以活动最后一天会焚烧巨大的木制人偶而得名。每年都有几万年轻人身着奇装异服来到这里,瞬间组成一座城市尽情狂欢,8天后这座城市随即消失,一切好像从未发生,仅存记忆。

Eric Bouvet (born 1961) began his photographic career in 1981 after studying art and graphic industries in Paris.

His interest in photography was sparked when, at the age of 8, he watched the first live television images of the Apollo 11 mission landing on the moon. It was then that he realized the importance of news and historic moments, not to mention capturing them on film.
