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Berengo Gardin Gianni历时摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 174

发布:2022-02-23 03:36:40 更新:2024-09-29 11:37:30

Berengo Gardin Gianni历时摄影作品集,Berengo Gardin Gianni,意大利摄影师,出生于1930年,24岁时拍下了第一张照片,在先后住过罗马、威尼斯和巴黎等地之后,他在米兰定居,客户包括《费加罗报》、《时代周刊》、宝洁公司等。

Berengo Gardin Gianni编写过210本摄影书,作品被纽约现代艺术博物馆等收藏。1963年荣获World Press Photo(荷赛)奖,1972年《Modern Photography》杂志将他评选为全球32位顶级摄影师之一。

In 1963, Berengo Gardin was awarded a prize by the World Press Photo. This was the first of a number of awards, including the Scanno prize (1981) for the best photography book of the year with India dei villaggi (a book about the villages of India), the Leica Oskar Barnack Award (1995) at the Recontres Internationales de la Photographie in Arles for the book La disperata allegria: Vivere da zingari a Firenze (about the life of gypsies in Florence), and the Oscar Goldoni prize (1998) for the best photography book of the year with Zingari a Palermo (about the gypsies of Palermo). In 1990 he was the guest of honour at the Mois de la Photo in Paris, where he was awarded the Brassaï prize.

He has mounted around 200 exhibitions both in Italy and abroad, including the great anthological exhibitions held in Arles in 1987, in Milan in 1990, in Lausanne in 1991 and in Paris in 1990 and 1997. The most recent ones have been in Milan (2005, Forma), in Paris, 2005 (MEP), in New York’s Leica Gallery in 1999, at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome in 2001. He has also displayed his works at the Photokina in Cologne, at Montreal’s Expo and at the Biennial in Venice. In 1994 he took part in the exhibition ‘The Italian Metamorphosis, 1943–1968’ at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. His images form part of collections in various museums and cultural foundations, including the Calcografia Nazionale in Rome, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the Maisonne Européenne de la Photographie, the FNAC Collection in Paris and the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne.
