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Madalina Iordache幻想艺术摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 182

发布:2016-11-04 17:21:04 更新:2024-09-29 19:23:59

Madalina Iordache幻想艺术摄影作品集,Madalina Iordache-Levay,1982年出生于罗马尼亚,2006年移居美国,她在2007年奥赛中获得三枚金牌。

and emotions,symbols, metephors, dreams and nightmares, visions from the corner ofthe eye,fairytales and everyday stories, written for you, for herself, forwhoeverwants to pierce the surface seeking for a meaning. madalina。

通过了她的艺术一超现实的创造和发人深省的挑衅世界:它Madalina Iordache-Levay,1982年出生于罗马尼亚,2006年移居美国,她在2007年奥赛中获得三枚金牌。是由光和阴影,颜色和情感,象征,隐喻,梦想和恶梦,愿景。从一个角落的眼睛,童话和日常的故事,为您为她自己而书写,无论都谁想要在表象上寻求的她意思。

Madalina has created through her art a surreal and thought-provoking world: it is made of light and shadows, colors and emotions, symbols, metaphors, dreams and nightmares, visions from the corner of the eye, fairytales and everyday stories, written for you, for herself, for whoever wants to pierce the surface seeking for a meaning.
