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Paolo Fusco旅游摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 203

发布:2014-12-29 01:29:36 更新:2024-09-29 21:26:26

Paolo Fusco,现居罗马的摄影师,热爱旅行,在罗马,很多店铺都是24小时营业的,酒吧、商场、加油站和鲜花铺。你可以在城市的很多角落找到这些昼夜开放的鲜花铺,它们从不关门。这让我着迷,它们好像哨兵一样守候着罗马安静的夜晚,它们是城市中光芒和鲜花的岛屿。

Paolo is based in Rome, but loves to travel.He owns some cameras and a few lenses. He uses them to capture stories to be told and images to be remembered.

He is a proud member of the Shoot4change community. He works with Fotoup Agency, and his photos have been published on LaRepubblica, WitnessJournal, LivingRoome, NG Italia and elsewhere.Should you like his photos, he is available for commission works.
