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美国总统的战争 : PS合成作品欣赏

类型: 刊物 已浏览: 182

发布:2013-10-31 10:13:33 更新:2024-10-05 13:05:44

美国总统的战争 | PS合成作品欣赏由Jason Heuser通过电脑合成创作而成,创作了一系列美国总统比尔·克林顿,里根,林肯,奥巴马的战斗画面。

Jason Heuser is an artist based in Grand Rapids, MI who likes history and drawing weird things. His series of US Presidents is absolutely fantastic job in which Bill clinton, Ronald Reagan, Abe Lincoln are depicted as warriors with guns fighting with their enemies or for their causes.
